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Concurrent Schedules

From: glen e. p. ropella
Subject: Concurrent Schedules
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 15:03:35 -0600

Doug Donalson; writes:
 > Roger or Glen,
 >    I have been trying to modify the concurrent schedule to
 > be able to remove an action.  I admit I feel like one of
 > the three blind men trying to describe the elephant.

Unfortunately, I haven't been following what you're doing
very well, so my questions may seem ill-directed.

 > Unfortunatly, I have discovered that this interface is more complicated
 > than this.  The actions that I removed were in fact gone 
 > but there is still a dangling pointer somewhere.
 > I sometimes get an object lookup error in Xactivity but more
 > illuminating was the message list_linked doesn't respond to
 > perform_action.  

Couple questions:

1) Do you mean that sometimes the object pointer passed is not
found?  And sometimes you're trying to send a performAction 
to a linked list?

2) The macro callMethodInClass( aClass, aMessage, args...)
seems to send the contents of the "self" variable as the 
first argument in the objective c method call.  If you're
getting both "non-objects" and "linked-lists" as the referent
of "self", then that might be consistent with the proposition 
that the first argument in the method call is getting mangled.

What value does "self" contain when callMethodInClass() is

Now, assuming that those two questions are silly [grin], then
I would suggest that you're not removing the "actionConcurrent"
object that is the wrapper around concurrent actions.  The section
of the "remove:" message on a normal Schedule that deals with this

    emptyAction =
      [(id)((CAction *)anAction)->owner _getEmptyActionConcurrent_];
    if ( emptyAction ) {
      [super remove: emptyAction];
      [emptyAction dropAllocations: 1];

which, if I understand it correctly, checks to see if more than
one action is sitting at that spot on the Schedule and removes
the proxy if all those subactions are gone.  Is it possible that
this wrapper needs to be removed for a ConcurrentSchedule as well?


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