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updating Tcl/Tk, etc.

From: Theodore C. Belding
Subject: updating Tcl/Tk, etc.
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 18:38:55 -0400

There was some discussion a while ago on whether people using Swarm should
be required to update to the newest versions of Tcl/Tk, etc.  There's a
thread on news://comp.lang.tcl related to this, with the following subject:
GNU configure tricks for finding tcl/tk/tix incs/libs?

(Personally I think the Swarm team has enough to do without having to worry
about what version of Tcl/Tk is installed.  And it's easy enough both to
install new versions of Tcl/Tk as well as to keep them separate from older
versions that I personally don't care very much, either way).

Ted Belding                      <mailto:address@hidden>
University of Michigan Program for the Study of Complex Systems

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