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RE: Death In Swarm

From: Tomas Gudmundsson
Subject: RE: Death In Swarm
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 08:11:46 +0000

Hello Manor

> but this, as we shall see, causes trouble - which is why you need to use 
> a ReaperQueue. This is how it works...

Thanks for the help ! I also ended up with a similar solution while waiting for 
the sun to rise in your part of the world :-).

>  id index, suicidalBanana ;
> index = [reaperQueue begin: [self getZone]] ;
>  while( (suicidalBanana = [index next]) ){
>    [index remove] ;        //remove the Banana from the reaperQueue.
>    [suicidalBanana drop] ; //remove the Banana from the world.
>  }

One question though. As far as I can see, you are actually removing and 
dropping objects from a list while traversing it. Isn't that just as fatal as 
the original problem that started this dicussion ?

I first traverse the reaper list and remove the objects in it from the banana 
list. Finally I empty the reaper list :

  id index, suicidalBanana;
  if ([reaperQueue getCount] > 0);
    // Remove the items in the reaper list from the banana list
    index = [reaperQueue begin: [self getZone]];
    while ((suicidalBanana = [index next]))
      [bananaList remove: suicidalBanana];
      [suicidalBanana drop];

    // Empty reaper list
    [reaperQueue removeAll];

Best Regards
Tomas Gudmundsson
Danish Hydraulic Institute

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