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Analysis library and BLT

From: J.J. Merelo Guervos
Subject: Analysis library and BLT
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 96 19:16:17 +0100

        I get this error when using EZGraph...

(kal-el) ~/progs/swarm/swarmlibs/ga> (Tcl -eval:) invalid command name 
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    invoked from within
"if {[llength [info procs unknown_pre_tclObjc]]} {
       unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args
     } else {
       error "in unknown: invalid command name: ..."
    invoked from within
"if {[string match address@hidden $name]} {
     return [uplevel tclObjc_msg_send $name $args]
   } else {
     if {[llength [info procs unknown_pre_tclObjc]]}  ..."
    (procedure "unknown" line 2)
    invoked from within
"Blt_ZoomStack .w100d9b68.w100d98c4"
while evaluating: Blt_ZoomStack .w100d9b68.w100d98c4; Blt_Crosshairs 
.w100d9b68.w100d98c4; Blt_ActiveLegend .w100d9b68.w100d98c4; Blt_ClosestPoint 

I declared it using...

fitnessGraph =  [EZGraph createBegin: modelZone];
  [fitnessGraph setTitle: "Fitness Evolution" ];
  [fitnessGraph setAxisLabelsX: "Time" Y: "Fitness"];
  fitnessGraph= [fitnessGraph createEnd];

with the sequence definitions afterwards. The only thing I get is a
window with the title.


JJ Merelo                         | http://kal-el.ugr.es/htbin/jj-plex
Grupo Geneura ---- Univ. Granada  | http://kal-el.ugr.es/

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