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New RElease 961002

From: Glen Ropella
Subject: New RElease 961002
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 00:59:36 -0600

We've just released the 961002 version of Swarm.  I've attached the 
Release-Notes for this version at the end of this message.

Since this is my first release with Swarm, there will necessarily
be some problems with either the web pages or the distribution,
itself.  If you experience any of these problems, forgive me and 
let me know about it.  (One problem I've seen already, but didn't
fix is the "old versions" part of the Web.  The links to the old
versions don't seem to work, anymore; but, that will get fixed
when we *really* re-vamp the web pages.)

Thanks for your patience.
|glen e. p. ropella (address@hidden) |                                  |
|Hive Drone, SFI Swarm Project         |            Hail Eris!            |
|www.santafe.edu/~gepr/home.html       |                                  |

------------------------------cut here---------------------------------
                          Swarm Beta Release Notes

Version 961002:

   1. Added Gaussian. Draws a uniform random number with a normal
      distribution around a given mean, standard deviation, and 
      seed. Soon there will be even more stuff thanks to Sven.
   2. Added scrollbars to the probes.
   3. Changed controlPanel functionality.  
         One implication is that instead of
             [controlPanel waitForControlEvent] 
         users that want to stop the simulation (from the software, e.g.
         to wait for the user to fill in datafields) should use 
             [controlPanel setStateStopped]

   4. Added the method 
             -removeProbeDisplayFor: anObject
         to the ProbeDisplayManager class so that you may remove a probe
         display for an object without the probe id.
   5. Added the long-awaited -batchmode flag!
   6. New library <analysis.h> which contains the following new classes:
             EZBin.h EZDistribution.h EZGraph.h Entropy.h
         It also serve as a new home for the following class:
   7. Upgraded Entropy and Average so that they can take any collection
         (not necessarily a list).
   8. Fixed getAverage on Averager when the collection is empty.
   9. The following classes have moved from <swarmobject.h> to <simtools.h>:
         ActiveGraph.h ActiveOutFile.h
  10. The following _new_ classes have landed in <simtools.h>:
         InFile.h OutFile.h ObjectLoader.h ObjectSaver.h UName.h
  11. Added new methods to Discrete2d:
         -fastFillWithValue: (int) aValue
         -fastFillWithObject: anObject
         -fillWithValue: (int) aValue
         -fillWithObject: anObject
  12. Added new class (Int2dFiler.h) for filing of discrete2d spaces.
  13. Added the CompleteVarMap class to the probing capabilities.
  14. Added a message to the ProbeLibrary:
         -getCompleteVarMap: (Class) aClass
  15. Added methods to the VarProbe class:
         -(int) isInteractive 
  16. Added methods to the Histo class (tkobjc):
         -drawHistoWithDouble: (double *) points 
                   atLocation: (double *) locations
         -drawHistoWithInt: (int *) points 
                atLocation: (double *) locations 

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