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Problems as a new emacs/speechd-el user

From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
Subject: Problems as a new emacs/speechd-el user
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:18:02 -0300

Hi, Ive tried Emacs and speechd-el years ago, now I'm coming back to it, and I'd like to give it a serious try this time.

I installed Emacs 29.3 on ArchLinux, then set up speechd-el successfully, along with speech-dispatcher, pulseAudio and Voxin as the synth. the Emacs version I chose is emacs-nox, as I think I probably won't need any desktop stuff.

First, some Emacs keys simply don't work, namely: pageUp and pageDown, as well as their equivalent c-v and m-v, and also m-< and m->, neither of these seem to scroll the buffer. Interestingly, sometimes when I press page-up or c-v, speechd-el speaks beginning of the buffer, but the cursor is still near to the botton. Other keys work as expected, e.g. cn, cp, etc.

My second question is regarding the speechd-speak-signal-events variable. It is all filled with letters x at the respective fields, but speechd-el keeps speaking i.e. "empty text" instead of playing a sound for that event. Interestingly, when I press c-e d c to set the capitals mode outside of the customize group, I am able to make the capitals icon play.

And my last issue for now concerns speechd-voices. I am able to insert a new voice and give it a name, but the parameters appears as invalid or inactive, so I cannot set i.e. rate, volume etc.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

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