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Espeak Module

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Espeak Module
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 08:24:50 +0200

>>>>> "SH" == Steve Holmes <steve at holmesgrown.com> writes:

    SH> I saw an espeak.c and espeak.po (from the compile) but I thought
    SH> there would be a module called espeak or sd_espeak like you have
    SH> for flite and festival.  After installing, I end up with
    SH> sd_festival and sd_flite plus sd_generic all in
    SH> /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules.  

Look in configure.in for the line

  AM_CONDITIONAL(espeak_support, test $ibmtts_ok = "true")

and replace `$ibmtts_ok' with `$espeak_ok'.  Then run `build.sh' and


Milan Zamazal

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