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Re: [Sipwitch-devel] call forwarding configuration

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: [Sipwitch-devel] call forwarding configuration
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 10:35:59 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

The original code for shared registration was based on registry type.  If the
registry type is user, it is supposed to use registry::addTarget(), otherwise
it uses setTarget, which does keep only one registration instance per id.

As to multiple targets, there is also a special "group" tag, which was to be
a container for this, as well as the foundation for other kinds of hunt group 

As we never did get funding, and now my time is much more limited, the only
recent work for sipwitch was on making exosip2 4.0 contexts work.  There used
to be a set of patches for tls support based on the older exosip2 api, and
patching exosip2 itself, but this is no longer nessisary, and at the time only
was useful if all devices were exclusively sips.  This is now changed, but I
haven't yet had an opportunity to add support and test loading of certificates
and setting ssl options for the tls context, all of which exosip2 4.0 now
supports cleanly.

address@hidden wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for your answer.
> The <forwarding> works but it forwards, for instance, from 201 to 202 if 201 
> does not answer within default 4 rings. After some more rings to the 202 I 
> get disconnected. It looks it works as expected but it doesn???t cure the 
> problem.
> I made some more tests.
> 1) I created 3 accounts john1, john2, testaccount and I set the same 
> extension 201 to both john???s accounts. It doesn???t work. When I call 
> either john from testaccount I always get ???BUSY???. It doesn???t work.
> 2) I tried to log-in to the same account, for example, to john1 from two 
> Androids or jitsi and Andoid soft phones. It was mostly impossible to call to 
> such john??? because I got ???GONE???. Both phones were not registered to the 
> same account. Rarely one phone was properly online. Most of the time both 
> were disconnected or looking as connected but they were not operational.
> Maybe there is a trick in the extension setup allowing me to log to the same 
> extension from multiple devices. Is it? You said it had been an old feature?
> Or there must be a trick / xml tag to forward a call to multiple extensions? 
> Create a group?
> SipWitch almost fulfills most requirements. We additionally need TLS for 
> obfuscation of the SIP signaling.
> Please help.

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