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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] I'd like to import history of previous rep

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] I'd like to import history of previous repository
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 00:52:42 -0700
User-agent: NeoMutt/20161126 (1.7.1)

Hello Joël,

Joël Krähemann wrote:
> I just recognized my efforts to push my rewritten history is not possible.

As a daily use matter that is true.  Because primarily our task as
Savannah helpers is as curators of Free Software.  We want to make
sure that the software is not damaged by malicious users.  Because it
is unfortunate but it has happened that at times people have tried to
remove source code that has already been given to the community.
Therefore in daily usage we must have security restrictions.

> I have rewritten history and did
> some cleanse.
> Then I did:
> git fetch -p ../gsequencer.old
> git replace --graft "f417a247f812239f27532a4e9674550e193c9e20"
> "b2fb5b9ddfcac5698d9881605727d21cd1342809"

Could you say a few more words about what it is that you are trying to
do?  I am sorry but I am not familiar with your project.  The above
replacement graft command doesn't hold any obvious meaning to me.

Normally your users will not be happy if you rewrite history.  It will
invalidate any clone of the repository that has been made.  Normally
the master branch should only ever be "fast-forwarded" and not
rewritten.  If you could say why you want to rewrite history and what
you are attempting that would be very useful.

> I tried to push but didn't work. Please enable temporary
> non-fast-forward commits.

At the risk of me getting in trouble for going past my authority I am
going to assume that you are operating in good faith and open up the
repository for you.  I have made a backup copy of the repository just
in case.  In the meantime I have opened up non-fastforward uploads.


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