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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Subversion svn moved to new server

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Subversion svn moved to new server
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 14:31:10 -0700
User-agent: NeoMutt/20161126 (1.7.1)

Assaf Gordon wrote:
> I followed with 'bzr'.

Excellent!  Thanks Assaf!

> The checks are:
>     bzr branch bzr://
>     bzr branch bzr+ssh://address@hidden/gnewsense/docs
>     rsync -avhP rsync://
>     wget -O/dev/null
>     wget -O/dev/null
>     wget -O/dev/null
>     wget -O/dev/null

Add to this a check for the robots.txt file.  I noticed that it was
shadow'd for bzr and many robots were crawling.  I unshadowed it and
the robots should back down now.

> For the 'svn' checks I'd add this (which works fine):
>     rsync -avhP rsync://

Good catch!  I added it to the list.  I also added the above to the
bzr section too. :-)

> A small question:
> Since all the nginx virtual hosts use the same log file,
> would it be useful to change to log format to have the server name as well ?

That is a problematic question.  Do you have any particular goal in
mind with this question?  Is there a particular reason you need this

As far as I know there isn't any way to add the server name to the
logs.  $server_name isn't one of the log variables.  The only way to
do that is to split the logs into separate files.  Which makes other
things much more difficult.  If it is at all practical to do it is
much easier to deal with the combined file.

I am running these two commands frequently to make observations:

  address@hidden:~# multitail /var/log/nginx/{access,error}.log

And for both nginx and apache together.  Apache access is mostly
duplicated but the error log is unique to each.

  address@hidden:~# multitail /var/log/{apache2,nginx}/{access,error}.log

Currently the error log is not quite zero errors.  The goal is zero
errors however.  The crawlers are actually helping in this case
because they are pointing to problems.


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