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Re: Advantages of using ZFS with rdiff-backup

From: Patrik Dufresne
Subject: Re: Advantages of using ZFS with rdiff-backup
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 09:31:27 -0400


Here is a more technical overview of the configuration you could make on 
ZFS to leverage the most of it for Rdiff-backup.


If you have more questions or feedback in that regard don't hesitate to 
contact me.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 11:19 AM Patrik Dufresne <patrik@ikus-soft.com> 

> Hello,
> I want to share an article I've been working on lately since I received 
> questions regarding ZFS and rdiff-backup. This article explains the 
> benefits of ZFS for rdiff-backup.
> https://www.ikus-soft.com/en/blog/2020-06-24-advantages-of-using-zfs-for-rdiff-backup/
> I'm also working on another article to go in more details about how to 
> configure ZFS for rdiff-backup to be published in the next month.
> -- 
> IKUS Software inc.
> https://www.ikus-soft.com/
> 514-971-6442
> 130 rue Doris
> St-Colomban, QC J5K 1T9
> [image: vcs]

IKUS Software inc.
130 rue Doris
St-Colomban, QC J5K 1T9

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