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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] making intermediate destination directories

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] making intermediate destination directories
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 12:47:28 -0700

>>>>> "KE" == Keith Edmunds <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Wed, 14 May 2003 22:13:34 +0100

  KE> I'd like to suggest a small enhancement to rdiff-backup, which
  KE> is to use 'makedirs' instead of'mkdir' when creating the
  KE> destination backup directory. This means that all intermediate
  KE> directories on the path are made as well, if necessary (like
  KE> mkdir -p in Linux).

  KE> The reason I suggest this is that if I issue the following
  KE> command:

  KE>   rdiff-backup /usr/local remote_machine::/backups/usr/local

  KE> then the directory "/backups/usr" (at least) must exist
  KE> already. If 'makedirs' were used, that creates the entire path
  KE> required.

Why not just make /backups/usr?  The worry I have is that someone will
type something like /backups/urs/local and then there won't be an
error message when there should be.  Perhaps the problem is something
else, like if the directory doesn't exist rdiff-backup says something
weird (haven't checked) instead of just saying that the directory
doesn't exist?

Ben Escoto

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