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Re: [RP] rp and large / multiple monitors

From: Joren Van Onder
Subject: Re: [RP] rp and large / multiple monitors
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 01:37:37 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.3.1

On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 21:19, Jeff Abrahamson <address@hidden> wrote:
> My usual case is a handful of terminals, a handful of emacs frames, and
> a handful of browser frames.  So naming them isn't too helpful for me.
> (For example, what would I call them?)  I'd also prefer to avoid the
> cognitive switch of thinking about window names when I can see the
> window.  Right, so this might be possible, but I might have to do some
> extra work.  I'll have to have a play, I'm quite fond of rp except for
> a couple details like this.

I'm wondering, are you only interested in focusing windows that are
visible with a number? Because you can do that with the 'fselect'
command (which is what rpshowall.sh uses, except that it first creates
new frames to make all windows visible).

> I've noticed that scripting ratpoison seems a bit slow (e.g.,
> rpshowall.sh).

On my machine it seems to be mostly caused by every application having
to resize itself.

PS: I noticed I missed the following in your original email:

> For move, the selection would cause the current window to move to
> frame 3.

I think the 'swap' command might do what you want.


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