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[Quilt-dev] docdir

From: Jean Delvare
Subject: [Quilt-dev] docdir
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 12:09:24 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.12.4 (Linux/; KDE/4.3.5; i686; ; )

Hi all,

I would like to fix an issue with docdir when building/installing quilt, 
and am seeking for opinions and comments.

Initially my problem is that quilt doesn't install its documentation 
where I (Suse packager) would like it to, and it won't let me change it 
through configure options, so I have to patch Makefile.in when building 
the package. This has a maintenance cost I'd like to get rid of. The 
cause of the problem is that


is being hard-coded 6 times in Makefile.in, so you have to change it 
that many times if you want a different location. And I do want to 
change it because the standard path for documentation files on Suse (and 
Debian, FWIW) is /usr/share/doc/$(PACKAGE) and not 
/usr/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) [1].

While trying to solve this first problem, I noticed two additional 
problems, which are related so I believe that all three problems should 
be solved at once.

Problem #2 is that ./configure --help says:

  --docdir=DIR            documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/quilt]

but the default value of $(docdir) is actually set to $(datadir)/doc 
later in the configure script. This is both misleading and a lack of 
flexibility (back to problem #1).

Problem #3 is that ./configure also looks at $RPM_DOC_DIR and uses that 
as the default value for $(docdir) if defined. It seems wrong to me that 
an upstream source package should care about package management specific 
things. Even though I know rpm is part of the LSB, it would seem more 
logical to me that the quilt.spec file of an rpm-based distribution 
would call ./configure --docdir=${RPM_DOC_DIR}/quilt if needed (which is 
currently not possible due to the Makefile.in implementation, see 
problem #1), and the configure script itself wouldn't contain references 
to rpm. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find any other configure script 
which looks at $RPM_DOC_DIR, and I'm not quite sure why quilt would be 
different in this respect.

Andreas, according to git blame, you did add this part of configure.ac:

dnl Determine where package documentation is supposed to go
if test -n "$RPM_DOC_DIR" ; then

The commit message did not really enlighten me. Can you please explain 
what problem you were trying to solve? I'd like to get rid of the above, 
as doing so (plus other adjustments) solves all 3 problems.

[1] As far as I can see, the naming scheme used by Suse and Debian is 
also what autoconf-generated configure scripts use by default, which 
makes it a de-facto standard IMHO.

The patch I have in mind goes along these lines:

 Makefile.in  |   13 +++++++------
 configure.ac |    7 +------
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 prefix :=      @prefix@
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ doc/quilt.1: doc/quilt.1.in $(QUILT:%=qu
            ;;                                                          \
          address@hidden@*)                                             \
            echo "$$line" |                                             \
-           $(SED) -e 's:@DOCSUBDIR''@:$(docdir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION):g' \
+           $(SED) -e 's:@DOCSUBDIR''@:$(docdir):g' \
            ;;                                                          \
          *)                                                            \
            echo "$$line"                                               \
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ $(patsubst %.in,%,$(wildcard bin/*.in qu
                -e 's:@RELEASE''@:$(RELEASE):g'                         \
                -e 's:@ETCDIR''@:$(etcdir):g'                           \
                -e 's:@LOCALEDIR''@:$(localedir):g'                     \
-               -e 's:@DOCSUBDIR''@:$(docdir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION):g'  \
+               -e 's:@DOCSUBDIR''@:$(docdir):g'                        \
                $< > $@
        @$(if $(filter-out $<,$(NON_EXEC_IN)),chmod +x $@)
@@ -331,11 +332,11 @@ endif
        $(INSTALL) -d $(BUILD_ROOT)$(libdir)/$(PACKAGE)
        $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(LIB:%=lib/%) $(BUILD_ROOT)$(libdir)/$(PACKAGE)/
-       $(INSTALL) -d $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/
+       $(INSTALL) -d $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/
        $(INSTALL) -m 644 doc/README                                    \
-                  $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/
+                  $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/
        $(INSTALL) -m 644 doc/quilt.pdf doc/README.MAIL                 \
-                  $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/
+                  $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/
        $(INSTALL) -d $(BUILD_ROOT)$(mandir)/man1
        $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(MAN1) $(BUILD_ROOT)$(mandir)/man1/
@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ uninstall ::
                   $(notdir $(MAN1)))                                   \
               $(BUILD_ROOT)$(etcdir)/bash_completion.d/quilt           \
               $(BUILD_ROOT)$(etcdir)/quilt.quiltrc                     \
-              $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/            \
+              $(BUILD_ROOT)$(docdir)/                                  \
 check: $(TESTS:test/%.test=test/.%.ok)
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ AC_REVISION ($Revision: 1.84 $)
 dnl Setup for backup-files compilation
@@ -370,12 +371,6 @@ if test $USE_NLS = no ; then
-dnl Determine where package documentation is supposed to go
-if test -n "$RPM_DOC_DIR" ; then
-    docdir="$RPM_DOC_DIR"
-    docdir='$(datadir)/doc'
 dnl Check for rpmbuild (v4) vs. rpm (v3)

Comments welcome.

Jean Delvare
Suse L3

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