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[Quilt-dev] Did you test wiggle ?

From: Martin Quinson
Subject: [Quilt-dev] Did you test wiggle ?
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 18:29:43 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


I just wanted to know if someone on the list already tested the wiggle tool
(Wiggle is a program for applying patches that 'patch' cannot apply due to
conflicting changes in the original.) 

I would love a support to it in quilt, if feasible. For example as
alternative to quilt push -f... Andreas, I'm sure you had nothing to do
these days :) 

Seriously, I may look at it some time. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Thanks a lot, Mt.

Chaque fois que je regarde la télé et que je vois ces pauvres enfants
affamés à travers le monde, je me mets à pleurer sans pouvoir m'en empecher.
Je veux dire, j'aimerais bien être mince comme eux, mais sans les mouches,
la guerre et tout ca.
          --- Mariah Carey

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