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Re: [kvm-unit-tests PATCH v6 10/13] arm/arm64: ITS: INT functional tests

From: Zenghui Yu
Subject: Re: [kvm-unit-tests PATCH v6 10/13] arm/arm64: ITS: INT functional tests
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 10:06:20 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.2.0

On 2020/3/11 21:51, Eric Auger wrote:
+static void test_its_trigger(void)
+       struct its_collection *col3, *col2;
+       struct its_device *dev2, *dev7;
+       if (its_prerequisites(4))
+               return;
+       dev2 = its_create_device(2 /* dev id */, 8 /* nb_ites */);
+       dev7 = its_create_device(7 /* dev id */, 8 /* nb_ites */);
+       col3 = its_create_collection(3 /* col id */, 3/* target PE */);
+       col2 = its_create_collection(2 /* col id */, 2/* target PE */);
+       gicv3_lpi_set_config(8195, LPI_PROP_DEFAULT);
+       gicv3_lpi_set_config(8196, LPI_PROP_DEFAULT);
+       report_prefix_push("int");
+       /*
+        * dev=2, eventid=20  -> lpi= 8195, col=3
+        * dev=7, eventid=255 -> lpi= 8196, col=2
+        * Trigger dev2, eventid=20 and dev7, eventid=255
+        * Check both LPIs hit
+        */
+       its_send_mapd(dev2, true);
+       its_send_mapd(dev7, true);
+       its_send_mapc(col3, true);
+       its_send_mapc(col2, true);
+       its_send_invall(col2);
+       its_send_invall(col3);
+       its_send_mapti(dev2, 8195 /* lpi id */, 20 /* event id */, col3);
+       its_send_mapti(dev7, 8196 /* lpi id */, 255 /* event id */, col2);
+       lpi_stats_expect(3, 8195);
+       its_send_int(dev2, 20);
+       check_lpi_stats("dev=2, eventid=20  -> lpi= 8195, col=3");
+       lpi_stats_expect(2, 8196);
+       its_send_int(dev7, 255);
+       check_lpi_stats("dev=7, eventid=255 -> lpi= 8196, col=2");
+       report_prefix_pop();
+       report_prefix_push("inv/invall");
+       /*
+        * disable 8195, check dev2/eventid=20 does not trigger the
+        * corresponding LPI
+        */
+       gicv3_lpi_set_config(8195, LPI_PROP_DEFAULT & ~LPI_PROP_ENABLED);
+       its_send_inv(dev2, 20);
+       lpi_stats_expect(-1, -1);
+       its_send_int(dev2, 20);
+       check_lpi_stats("dev2/eventid=20 does not trigger any LPI");
+       /*
+        * re-enable the LPI but willingly do not call invall
+        * so the change in config is not taken into account.
+        * The LPI should not hit
+        */
+       gicv3_lpi_set_config(8195, LPI_PROP_DEFAULT);
+       lpi_stats_expect(-1, -1);
+       its_send_int(dev2, 20);
+       check_lpi_stats("dev2/eventid=20 still does not trigger any LPI");
+       /* Now call the invall and check the LPI hits */
+       its_send_invall(col3);
+       lpi_stats_expect(3, 8195);
+       its_send_int(dev2, 20);
+       check_lpi_stats("dev2/eventid=20 now triggers an LPI");
+       report_prefix_pop();
+       report_prefix_push("mapd valid=false");
+       /*
+        * Unmap device 2 and check the eventid 20 formerly
+        * attached to it does not hit anymore
+        */
+       its_send_mapd(dev2, false);
+       lpi_stats_expect(-1, -1);
+       its_send_int(dev2, 20);

Here. You issued an INT command while the dev2 has just been unmapped,
this will be detected by ITS as a command error. We may end-up failed
to see the completion of this command (under the ITS stall mode).


+       check_lpi_stats("no LPI after device unmap");
+       report_prefix_pop();

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