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[Qemu-devel] Can not relocate APIC registers address from 0xFEE00000 to

From: ddm
Subject: [Qemu-devel] Can not relocate APIC registers address from 0xFEE00000 to self-defined physical addr
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 15:56:43 +0800 (CST)

hi guys, 

I wrote a Small OS (based on linux0.11) support SMP, and it can run well on 
Now i want to migrate it to Qemu, i found that when i use wrmsr command to 
relocate the APIC regsiters addr to a new physical address, 
it can not work, i can not initial APIC timer to trigger timer interrupt by the 
new physical addr just i relocate, but when use rdmsr to get APIC base addr has 
been changed to the new physical address, it's strange. 
In SMP env, if can not relocate APIC registers addr for each processor with  
different addr, it will result in conflict. 
So, i want to know qemu4.0 whether support remaping APIC base address by wrmsr 
if support, please tell me how to remap APIC base addr for each processor.

Thank you!

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