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Re: [Protux-devel] Test Series

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Test Series
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 12:33:37 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Only to complement, there is a "super plan". Didnt I mention it ?

letme check where it is, I will send so it can be put on the website

On Friday 27 June 2003 10:13 am, Fabio dos Santos wrote:
> Guys,
> We should sistemize the testing of protux, especially the already
> implemented features. What I'm thinking involves listing the many
> abilities of each implemented feature, and with each test-release we
> come up with a "battery" of tests.
> However, in order to do this, we need the developers to list every
> single function already considered implemented and supposedly stable.
> Based on that, we add to the site these functions with a listing of
> weather its working propertly or not. That way we wont miss anything,
> AND we can get people help bug-testing (this way we tell people what its
> supposed to do, and they test the possible and impossible with it).
> It also allows us to map out which areas of the engine and the program
> needs most work latter on (after implementation fase).
> Anyway, its just an idea.
> Fabio.

Best Regards
Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer - Free Software 
Project Mustux -
-- GNU/Linux adoption grew 65% only this yer. Smile : we're winning. --

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