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Re: [RFC] Changing the unit of an offset

From: Bruno Haible
Subject: Re: [RFC] Changing the unit of an offset
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 2021 17:01:45 +0100
User-agent: KMail/5.1.3 (Linux/4.4.0-197-generic; KDE/5.18.0; x86_64; ; )

Hi José,

> But that gives us a magnitude, not an offset.  It would of course be
> possible to write:
>   (poke) (anoffset/#B)#B
>   16#B
> But that is too cumbersome.
> So, what about having some short convenient syntax to change the unit of
> an offset?
> Note we would need to variants.  One equivalent to
>   (offset/#UNIT)#UNIT
> And the other equivalent to
>   (offset/^#UNIT)#UNIT
> The first uses truncating division, the second ceiling division.
> Anybody has any suggestion for the syntax?

First, note that it's more than "changing the unit", because — as you say —
it may lose some bits.

I therefore dislike an attribute-like syntax

and offset'ceil_as(#UNIT)

and instead prefer see a syntax like the one used for casts:

    offset floor_as #UNIT
and offset ceil_as #UNIT

or — if you can accommodate 3-character operators in the lexer —

    offset /_* #UNIT
and offset /^* UNIT

Note that the latter is confusing, because /* is not an operator.


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