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Re: RE: [phpgroupware-developers] probusiness introduction

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: RE: [phpgroupware-developers] probusiness introduction
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 09:24:49 +1000

Christian Böttger <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi again,

> Hi Dave & all,

<snip />

> > At the same time courier is a very nice IMAP server.
> Yes, and the maildir format is rather nice for many purposes as 
> well as the
> server-based filter capabilities.

This is also possible using postfix+procmail

> > 
> > We look forward to your contribution to the project.  Commit 
> access to
> > our CVS respository is not automatic, there are some 
> requirements to be
> That's clear.
> > met, these are spelt out at  
> .
> Thanks, we already had a look. We'll try our very best to meet these
> requirements.
> > When the code is published we will look at it, if it is up to 
> > scratch we will include it.  I would suggest that you look over 
> the docs 
> > contained in the following URLs:
> > 
> > *
> > * - some are some what dated - but you
> > should get the idea.
> We'll do that, thanks for the links. 

The most important docs are the style and coding starndards - we are
trying to have all developers now comply - be they new or existing
developer.  We are also aiming for the 0.9.16+ to run with
register_globals=off and error_reporting = E_ALL in you php.ini

> > I would suggest initially you start your own wiki and we can set 
> it up
> > as a interWiki to link the docs into.  
> We'll do this as soon as time permits. It might be that we start 
> first with
> a normal WWW page and move things into a local Wiki later.

Sure, send us a link to the list.  btw the phpgw wiki only takes about
5mins to get setup, then it is a matter of publishing content. 
Documents in english are preferable - I am good with babelfish, but it
is not so good :(

> > Our wiki is currently for our
> > developers, but we are happy to link to other wikis if they provide
> > receprocial interwiki links, like we have done with the axiswiki 
> ( see
> > )
> We'll be happy to provide reciprocal links.


> > See above about CVS access, I have no issue with any developer 
> gaining> CVS access if they meet our requirements.  Alternatively, 
> you 
> > can submit patches for our consideration -
> .
> We'll do that first. Then we can decide on the next steps 
> afterwards. But,
> as we are still in concept phase, don't expect bigger amounts of 
> code too
> soon.

Anything is a start.  Development documents would be a good start so we
have some idea on what you are working on or plan to do.  We are
encourgaing peer review of concepts on our wiki.  This way everyone
knows what people are planning/working on - and we can collaborate better.

> > That would be nice, and it would be good if they could drop in at
> > #phpgroupware on too.
> They are free to do so in the spare time from home if they wish 
> (but of
> course not obliged to do so), but unfortunately (as Kai Dupke 
> pointed out
> already), an IRC access will not be possible for them from work 
> for security
> policy reasons.

I fail to see what the security considerations are.  As Chris pointed
out is unlikely to be the source of an attack.  IRC is
where a lot of discussion takes place ... not only on chan.  I would
suggest that you at least monitor the logs , our mailing lists and the wiki -

> > Integration is a great aim, it is something we are working 
> towards too.
> Yes, it is. Without it, we can't sell services; and that's what 
> we're living
> on.

It depends on your business model.  I personally try to make a buck out
of coding and some support services.

> > Not only of apps, but of projects.
> Exactly the point. pb.Mailserver is such a "marketing name" for 
> one of the
> integration projects we did: it's a combination of Courier (IMAP + 
> Maildirsetc), OpenLDAP, a slightly modified Horde/IMP, pb.WebMAUI 
> as admin tool,
> AMaVis + some virus scanner, combined with appropriate hardware 
> (in one case
> e.g. four double-CPU Intel servers, combined into two high 
> availabilityclusters running under LVS (RedHat Advanced Server).
> Quite a lot of our customers appreciate this integration work.

Sure, I know of several projects using phpGroupWare to acheive this aim.
 Most of them require no modification to our code base - or where it is
needed they are active developers within the project, so it is easily added.

> But of course, we have to specialize: pb.WebMAUI e.g. works only with
> Courier, not qmail, postfix or sendmail. Of course, it could be 
> expanded,but as long as there's no customer for this, we can't 
> really do it. On the
> other hand, some funtionality of pb.WebMAUI (server based filters, 
> "vacationmessages") can be integrated in a customized phpGW 
> version, which could use
> these features, but in combination with Courier only.

I personally prefer courier-imap+postifx - but that is just my view.

> > Looking forward to hearing more from you and the probusiness crew.
> Thanks!
> :-)

Also I will not be CCing future posts to a list of people and your
internal list - I would suggest that those who want to monitor the
project subscribe to the lists.



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