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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] use of PEAR

From: Brent Kelly
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] use of PEAR
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 09:11:16 +1200
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I've been using ADOdb for the past year or so & it seems very flexible and has a lot of nice features.

Aside from the ones already mentioned, other features I find very useful:

- Cross-DB SQL generation:
e.g. You can generate the sql for an insert simply by:
//assuming Ralphs suggested implementation & that $GLOBALS['phpgw']->adodb is an adodb connection object

//retrieve a blank recordset
$rs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->adodb->Execute('SELECT * FROM news WHERE id = -1')

$fields = array (
  'news_title' => 'this is a sample title',
  'news_article' => 'this is the article for the sample',
  'news_submitted' => $submitted

$GLOBALS['phpgw']->adodb->Execute( $GLOBALS['phpgw']->adodb->GetInsertSQL($rs,$fields));

That takes care off addslashes and all the other stuff required to produce a db-specific insert statement. Updating can work very similar.

Another very useful feature is the ability to retrieve a 2-dimensional array of all retrieved rows using the $rs->GetRows() function. I would imagine this would be especially useful with the xslt implementation being able to simply retrieve your recordset from the database and then use:

$GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw',array('result' => $rs->GetRows()));

Obviously thats not tested but i'd imagine it would be somewhat handy for dumping sql results to xml.

I'm not sure exactly how this compares to PEAR as I have never used it, but from using ADOdb for a while it has proven to be a very flexible & stable interface. It also appears to have an active development team (6 update releases so far this year already), which is always a plus :).


Brent Kelly (aka weaky),
Zeald Ltd.

Lars Kneschke(priv.) wrote:

Ralf Becker <address@hidden> schrieb:
I had a look for ADOdb

They support transactions, table-locking and tabelcreation.

Here are some links:
- comparison between ADOdb an PEAR::DB - table-creation and alteration in v. 3.30:

Features i like too:

- Return the last auto-increment number.

- Replace function available.
Yes. When updating a record, we check if the record exists, and if it does
not, we insert the record instead, using ADOConnection::Replace( ).

- Code to provide database backed session variables.
Yes, two versions. One with encrypted data, one without.

Nice, to have.

Lars Kneschke
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