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Re: Dynamically changing remote servers list

From: Douglas A. Augusto
Subject: Re: Dynamically changing remote servers list
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:49:37 -0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

On 27/08/2014 at 08:38,
Ole Tange <> wrote:

> Or even:
>    parallel_with_daemon --slf original.slf [... other parallel options ...]


I've implemented a portable shell script that does that, please check it out:

Its syntax is: --slf <file> [--sleep <n>] [--timeout <n[%]>] -- [... 
GNU Parallel's command options ...]

For example:

   seq 0 10 100 | --slf original.slf -- 'sleep {}; echo 
$(hostname) ran sleep for {}s'

> How is cleanup done? How is cleanup done if the user presses Ctrl-C?

The cleanup is implemented through 'traps' and works on either normal
termination (EXIT) or when the user presses Ctrl-C (INT).

> What happens if the users run multiple instances? With different original.slf?

I made sure that each instance has unique temporary files, so I believe there
is no problem running multiple instances.

Feel free to suggest improvements and to distribute the script along with GNU
Parallel if you would like to.

Douglas A. Augusto

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