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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] lisa/m 2.0 and DIY mediatek gps..

From: Eduardo lavratti
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] lisa/m 2.0 and DIY mediatek gps..
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:46:12 -0300

Acho que nao porque 2 dos meus ublox tambem contam esses erros mais funcionam perfeitamente.

Lembro que a um tempo atraz eu tinha um problema parecido com o seu só era com o gps skytraq.

Se eu conseguir o gps mtk eu vejo isso para voce.

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 07:53:33 -0400
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] lisa/m 2.0 and DIY mediatek gps..

Muito obrigado eduardo pela vejo na lista de mensagem gps_nb_err=1,
Talvez seja isto o error?
Thanks for the help eduardo...i see in message list gps_nb_err=1, maybe this is the error?
Luis Carlos
El 20/08/2013 20:25, "Eduardo lavratti" <address@hidden> escribió:
Oi Luiz,
nao é só problema de LOCK que tu tem.

A zona UTM do Brasil é 22 e teu gps esta mostrando 31.
O UTM norte este sempre zerado.

Ta me parecendo que o driver para mtk do paparazzi esta com problemas.
Vou ver se meu vizinho me empresta o gps mtk que dei para ele pra fazer testes.

Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:51:48 -0400
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] lisa/m 2.0 and DIY mediatek gps..

Hi to all...i connect a  diydrones mediatek MT3329 to lisa board in default port (UART3)..the gps have a firmware version 1.6 but the gps no fix... i test only connect 5v and gnd to the gps and the led fix in 45sec.. i connect to ftdi cable and view the  data in serial terminal..check  and double check the connection and see it's all correct..test the gps in arduino mega and fix and data correct...test the lisa in ppz gcs message windows and the gps send data...disconnect the gps and no data...attached is part of my file configuration..and pictures of my message telemetry...

its possible to any help me waith this..
Thanks for your's attention
best regards

<airframe name="LISA_USB">

  <firmware name="fixedwing">
    <target name="ap"             board="lisa_m_2.0">
      <!-- higher frequency for aspirin imu, ouputs data at 100Hz -->
      <configure name="PERIODIC_FREQUENCY" value="120"/>
      <configure name="AHRS_PROPAGATE_FREQUENCY" value="100"/>
      <configure name="AHRS_CORRECT_FREQUENCY" value="100"/>
      <define name="AHRS_TRIGGERED_ATTITUDE_LOOP"/>

    <target name="sim"             board="pc"/>

    <define name="USE_MAGNETOMETER" value="FALSE"/>
    <define name="TELEMETRY_MODE_FBW" value="1"/>
    <subsystem name="radio_control" type="ppm"/>
    <configure name="RADIO_CONTROL_PPM_PIN" value="SERVO6"/>
    <subsystem name="telemetry" type="transparent"/>
    <subsystem name="control"/>
    <subsystem name="imu" type="aspirin_v2.1"/>
    <subsystem name="ahrs" type="float_dcm"/>
    <subsystem name="gps" type="mediatek_diy"/>
    <subsystem name="navigation"/>
    <subsystem name="ins" type="alt_float"/>

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