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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Offer from a thankful new user

From: Nathan Aherne
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Offer from a thankful new user
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 20:26:47 +1000

Hi Pierre,

I would like to add a page to the wiki and have it linked to the flight plans menu. This page would have examples of flight plan code.

I would also like to add an XML document for the GCS layout, which maximises the usable screen area and puts a number of papgets on the GCS so new users can see what is possible without having to learn how to implement papgets.

I would also like to start a page documenting the callable routines within the XML code in the hope that others will start this documentation.

It does not seem like I have the access rights to do this.

Kindest regards,
Nathan Aherne
Reddog Technology
Mob: 0402 555 080

On 03/05/2010, at 8:08 PM, Pierre-Selim wrote:

Nathan, feel free to ask question about how the wiki works, it can help more people than just you.

2010/5/3 Nathan Aherne <address@hidden>
Hi All

I have tried to add pages to the wiki and I have tried to add documents and link to them but I have not been able to get it to work. This is why I am frustrated with the current Paparazzi website and offered to donate time, money etc to the community so over time it can be fixed.

I should clarify that I never wanted to build a community of my own, that was not the goal, I just wanted to donate stuff to the Paparazzi community if they wanted to attract more new users.

Kindest regards,

Nathan Aherne
Reddog Technology
Email: address@hidden
Mob: 0402 555 080

On 03/05/2010, at 7:38 PM, antoine drouin wrote:

> Nathan
> I don't want to discourage you and I'd be glad if you make the wiki
> "better", whatever that means.
> If you're going to switch to another wiki, it's fine with me, but I
> think the amount of work involved in migrating is important.
> What I would like to avoid is that the information gets spread in
> different places.
> I don't think there is a documentation for all the user callable
> flight plan routines - and they get added by people writing navigation
> modules.
> You're very welcome to ask questions on the list and write a wiki page
> about that. I think the authors will be pleased to answer your
> questions,
> and maybe once the documentation is in place they'll update it as they
> add new functions.
> Regards
> Poine
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Nathan Aherne <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi Cedric,
>> I thought this may have been the case, thanks for clarifying the Paparazzi Dev stance.
>> Does someone have a document that outlines all the user callable routines in the XML configuration files and what they do because I am really stuck on this.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Nathan Aherne
>> Reddog Technology
>> Web:
>> Email: address@hidden
>> Mob: 0402 555 080
>> On 03/05/2010, at 7:17 PM, Cédric Marzer wrote:
>>> Dear Nathan,
>>> If you read through  the posts you will notice that many people offered to
>>> make new forums, new wikis, etc. They put some time into putting it online
>>> and...nobody used it...
>>> The system as it is now has its weaknesses but works very well and all the
>>> information can be found at one place.
>>> Yes the learning curve is steep but we are not talking about a wordprocessor
>>> here but about a system that is much more complex in essence.
>>> Actually I found it rather easy to make it work in comparaison with systems
>>> I used before and it flew ok the first time I was in the air. You just have
>>> to read carefully the wiki and understand what you are doing.
>>> To make it short : the people that have experience with the paparazzi like
>>> it and the idea is not to offer a "plug and play" system anyway...
>>> Good luck with your system and don't hesitate to post any question if you
>>> need.
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