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Re: [Pan-users] Re: Question about Multi-Part Post Detection (BNR2-like

From: Robert Krig
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: Question about Multi-Part Post Detection (BNR2-like feature)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:47:11 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061118)

Hi again, just had another idea for a feature which could go hand in hand with Multi-Part Post detection.

Have you heard of hellanzb?

Its not really a newsreader, since it only processes nzb files. But it has a nifty little feature. When it finishes downloading all the posts from a nzb file. It then does a automatic PAR verify and repair on the downloaded directory. Once it has made sure that all the rars are intact and available, it then unrars them. As a last step, it deletes all the PAR2 and RAR files and leaves you only with the actual file which was in the rars.

If PAN was able to know which files belong together, it could call the par2repair tool to process the PAR2 files and then afterwards unrar the files, if the user would choose to do so.

On the other hand, a much simpler way, would perhaps be the option to let the user specify a command which is to be executed once all downloads in the queue have been downloaded.

That way the user could specify their own script and do all sorts of customised post-processing with the files.

I mean in the end, even nzb only executes pre-existing tools with certain parameters.

The whole PAR2 and RAR processing thing is handled externally anwyway. Would just be nice if you could for example, select a bunch of posts for download before you go to bed, and have them all ready and processed when you wake up in the morning.

Anyways, just an idea.

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