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Re: [Openexr-devel] Source Control

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Source Control
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 09:01:47 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.01 (GSO 1266 2009-07-14)

On Fri, 20 May 2011, Ger Hobbelt wrote:

So git for github graphics and git merge ability. If you take out those two 
elements, it's a 50/50
between git and hg.  Just you stay away from svn (that one has been as 'useful' 
as cvs to us and in
reality only added to the old mess. ye gods. :-( )

While I have not used the feature yet, I am told that Hg Queues offers fantastic import/merge capability as well. Here are some pages which describe this feature:

Examples to look at to see git/github in action:

- mootools-core (yeah, JavaScript, not C, but doesn't matter. Picked this one 
because I know it and
know the network graph is complex enough to showcase several types of behaviour 
at the same time,
particularly cloning and merging and a relatively large set of individuals 
working on a rather well
known project of comparable scale as OpenEXR)
Just look at the pretty pictures. ;-)

This looks pretty neat. I assume that it works if all cloned repositories are hosted by github so activity can be tracked. For example, features would be lost if a clone was hosted at SourceForge or on a private machine internal to ILM? Since OpenEXR is still primarily developed at ILM, I assume that they will maintain their own internal private repository and then push their changes to the public repository once they have been blessed via some internal procedure. This model seems like a major advantage for Hg/Git vs CVS/SVN.

The pretty network graph depends on the user's browser supporting the Adobe FLASH plugin. While Adobe FLASH may be taken for granted by many, there are popular platforms on which closed-source binary browser plugins are specifically not supported, even if Adobe was willing. An example of this is Debian Linux. There are also "fringe" operating systems such as the *BSD ones which are unlikely to be supported by Adobe. Fringe systems should not be ignored since they enjoy a much higher population of developers (percentage-wise) than main-stream OSs. It is true that ILM may not particularly care about these OSs, but users of those OSs may care about OpenEXR.

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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