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Re: [Openexr-devel] Source Control

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Source Control
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 16:50:44 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.01 (GSO 1266 2009-07-14)

On Thu, 19 May 2011, Piotr Stanczyk wrote:


A little while ago the topic of CVS, and how to move past it, came up. 

I am leaning towards git as the replacement, mainly over Hg. I'd like to hear 
any potential
pitfalls of either before we commit.  Thanks.

Both git and Hg have been moving along nicely and have large followings. Hg seems to be better supported under Windows with a nice GUI (e.g. TortoiseHg) and inuitive GUI access seems important for many Windows users. Git is more Linux-centric since it is originally designed to support Linux kernel development by the Linux kernel developers who use a particular development process. Both are easy to install. The git repository requires some periodic maintenance (re-compaction) whereas Hg's repository does not.

A benefit of Hg that is not immediately obvious is that since it is based on Python, an Hg installation is assured to have a high-quality scripting language available (i.e. Python). Hg is easily extensible. This should help with automating tasks (both build and version-control related) without encountering the problem that Windows does not come with a portable scripting language.

Recently I have been working to convert a large (and very old) CVS repository to Hg. A couple of years ago this conversion was not acceptable (it failed due to a memory leak) but now the tools are succeeding nicely and the quality of the conversion seems quite good.

The key deciding point for me to favor Hg over git was the nice interface for Windows users and the assured availability of scripting.

What causes you to favor git over Hg?

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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