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Re: [Monotone-devel] [Fwd: monotone_0.22-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED]

From: Tomas Fasth
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] [Fwd: monotone_0.22-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED]
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 14:29:22 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Hash: SHA1

Hello Nathaniel, Eric,

Nathaniel Smith skrev:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 07:36:19PM -0700, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
>>On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 07:42:46PM -0400, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>>>Any chance for a .deb for sarge?  sarge is stable enough for a server
>>>that contains precious files, and unstable is, well, unstable.
>>Sure, if anyone wants to build it, or give me a pointer to an easy way
>>to set up a sarge chroot...
> So, Eric Anderson sent me a sarge .deb (thanks!).  It is also named
> "monotone_0.22-0.1_i386.deb".  The easy problem is that I can't have
> two files named this in the download directory; okay, rename the file
> so it has "sarge" in it or something.  Harder question: is it okay to
> distribute two distinct packages with the exact same version number?
> What's the right way to do this sort of thing?

In general a backport to sarge (the current stable) should decrement
the last digit by one and add "sarge1". A consecutive update should
increment to "sarge2".

Example: "monotone_0.22-0.0sarge1_i386.deb".

I have a clean build environment for sarge (using pbuilder), so if
you like I can provide a backport right after I have done the
official upload to Debian unstable.

- --
Tomas Fasth <address@hidden>
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