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[Monotone-devel] Better bug report: importing a CVS repository

From: Daniel M. German
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Better bug report: importing a CVS repository
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 00:08:55 -0700 (PDT)

 Nathaniel> Sorry, I'm rejecting this post to the mailing list, since I think
 Nathaniel> we've already tried our subscribers's patience enough with the last
 Nathaniel> two people who sent huge attachments describing CVS import bugs this
 Nathaniel> week :-).  This bug has been reported a few times already; is the 
 Nathaniel> repository you were importing publically available anywhere for
 Nathaniel> reproduction?

 Nathaniel> -- Nathaniel

 Nathaniel> -- 
 Nathaniel> In mathematics, it's not enough to read the words

I have a better bug report. Here is a "micro" CVS repository which
causes the error. It contains only 1 file with 2 revisions. And the
sequence of errors that cause it.

All the files are here:

The README file contains the following:
This is an example of a repository that fails to be imported into monotone.


The commands used to import it are: 

   monotone db init --db=~/cvs.repo/rip.db
   monotone db init --db=~/cvs.repo/rip.db
   monotone  --db=~/cvs.repo/rip.db genkey address@hidden
   monotone --debug --db=~/cvs.repo/rip.db cvs_import 
/home/dmg/cvs.repo/temp > /tmp/monotone.out 2> /tmp/monotone.err

The output from the last command are:

  monotone.err  (stderr)
  monotone.out  (stdout)

And this is the monotone repository:


Daniel M. German                  "None but those who have experienced
   Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) ->  them can conceive of the enticements of 
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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