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[Monotone-devel] cvs_import: invariant 'I(deltas.find(path) == deltas.en

From: Hansjoerg Lipp
Subject: [Monotone-devel] cvs_import: invariant 'I(deltas.find(path) == deltas.end())' violated
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 15:43:19 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i


I'm just having a look at monotone and want to import a CVS repository
for testing, which does not work:

$ monotone db init --db=~/gigaset.db
$ monotone --db=~/gigaset.db genkey address@hidden
$ monotone --db=~/gigaset.db --branch=net.sourceforge.gigaset307x.main \
         cvs_import /PATH/TO/gigaset307x

with gigaset307x from

results in:

| enter passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
| monotone: [branches: 8] [versions: 2000]
| monotone: phase 1 (version import) complete
| monotone: [branches: 8] [finished branches: 1] [finished edges: 1] [versions: 
2000] building branch
| monotone: [branches: 8] [finished branches: 3] [finished edges: 75] 
[versions: 2000] building branch 
| monotone: discarding debug log
| monotone: fatal: std::logic_error: invariant 
'I(deltas.find(path) == deltas.end())' violated
| monotone: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.
| monotone: please send this error message, the output of 'monotone 
| monotone: and a description of what you were doing to address@hidden

(exit code 3)

monotone --full-version output:

| monotone 0.17 (base revision: 337d62e5cbd50c36e2f2c2bda489a98de3a8aeb7)
| Running on: Linux 2.4.21-286-default #1 Sat Apr 2 08:57:10 UTC 2005 i686
| Changes since base revision:
| new_manifest [0152a0ae40734894b0a39501246cf4ffeada0aa4]
| old_revision [337d62e5cbd50c36e2f2c2bda489a98de3a8aeb7]
| old_manifest [0152a0ae40734894b0a39501246cf4ffeada0aa4]
|   Generated from data cached in the distribution;
|   further changes may have been made.
|   Generated from data cached in the distribution;
|   further changes may have been made.

(This is the binary version 0.17 for linux from as the self
compiled version can't initialize the data base.)

Do you need any further information?

Regards, Hansjoerg

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