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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Looking at the code affected in bug 9752 leaves

From: Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Looking at the code affected in bug 9752 leaves a weird taste...
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 15:19:22 +0200 (CEST)

In message <address@hidden> on Wed, 18 Aug 2004 15:18:20 +0200, Jon Bright 
<address@hidden> said:

jon> Reasons for doing this on a monotone/system-wide basis are things
jon> such as checking out onto a Samba share or so on a Linux box. [...]

Ah, I hadn't thought of that.  OK, I see your point, and agree that it
makes sense to be able say (for the purpose of checking out) what kind
of line ending is desirable.

jon> On a per-file basis:
jon> a) some standards presumably specify a line-ending for a file -
jon> it then always wants to be checked out with that line-ending,
jon> otherwise the VC system's caused you to violate the standard

Hmm?  I'm curious, do you have anything you can direct me to, so I can
see for myself?  It feels like such files should really be regarded as

jon> b) some tools are broken and only work with one or the other line
jon> ending (I believe there are several affected MS tools, and I
jon> recall seeing problems with Borland Builder with CVS checking out
jon> its project files using CR+LF because it was on Windows, but
jon> Builder having written them with LF-only and expecting to get
jon> them back in that format)

Spank Borland.

jon> c) you're checking out text files which have CR+LF conventions
jon> (so that Windows Notepad doesn't screw them up) onto a website
jon> hosted on a Linux box.

Hmm?  Do I get it right, that if you serve files only using LF as line
ending, and you then want to, say, look at the HTML source (and then,
at least with IE, end up using Notepad as a viewer), it gets served to
Notepad with LF line endings?


jon> d) I could probably come up with more examples, but you get the
jon> idea...

I do.



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