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[Mingw-cross-env-list] which Ubuntu version for MXE master branch?

From: Hamza Alloush
Subject: [Mingw-cross-env-list] which Ubuntu version for MXE master branch?
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 18:47:18 +0000


currently is not possible to compile all MXE toolchain on Ubuntu 14.04.2 (it 
stops at gdb), which is expected since the requirements for a Debian derivative 
distro is one that uses latest stable Wheezy packages.

and in Ubuntu 14.04 it's based on:

$ cat /etc/debian_version

here's a list that i have aquired through a fast google search of "Ubuntu 
15.04  vivid      jessie / sid
14.10  utopic     jessie / sid
14.04  trusty     jessie / sid
13.10  saucy      wheezy / sid
13.04  raring     wheezy / sid
12.10  quantal    wheezy / sid
12.04  precise    wheezy / sid
11.10  oneiric    wheezy / sid
11.04  natty      squeeze / sid
10.10  maverick   squeeze / sid
10.04  lucid      squeeze / sid

i'm unfamiliar with Debian release system and acronyms, but as you can see, 
while 13.10 is the latest Ubuntu that uses Wheezy repository, it still uses 
"sid" branch, which is an alias for Unstable.

can you please confirm if its best to switch to Ubuntu 13.10, or just stay safe 
and use Debian Wheezy stable branch?

i'm trying to build a nightly cross compiler server using MXE.


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