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[Lynx-dev] lynx freezed on uxterm with UTF-8

From: Atsuhito KOHDA
Subject: [Lynx-dev] lynx freezed on uxterm with UTF-8
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 16:52:19 +0900 (JST)

Hi all,

I tested lynx 2.8.6dev.3 and encountered a problem.

On uxterm from XFree86 4.3.0 and LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
lynx seemed freezed when I pressed "o" key for option

I'm not sure what settings would be correct but I tested 
with the following settings;


Is there anyone who encountered the similar problem
or is this only my special problem?

My system is Debian GNU/Linux and libncursesw5 is of

Thanks in advance,              2004-5-10(Mon)

 Debian Developer & Debian JP Developer - much more I18N of Debian
 Atsuhito Kohda <address@hidden>
 Department of Math., Univ. of Tokushima

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