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Re: [lynx-dev] handling an internal server error (I think)

From: Philip Webb
Subject: Re: [lynx-dev] handling an internal server error (I think)
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 00:34:44 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

030515 William December Starr wrote:
> please try going to this train wreck of a URL:
> and then scroll down to (or search for) the text string "EPISODE GUIDE"
> and see what the page looks like from there to the bottom?

no such string in the page i get using Lynx 2-8-5dev.6 or Galeon 1.2.6 .
i always suppress cookies with 'ne(V)er' using Lynx,
so the server refuses to admit Lynx to its program pages;
Galeon accepts the cookie & everything comes thro' smoothly.

> Under 2.7.1 (running on MIT's Athena system),

very much out-of-date: you should use the latest version of Lynx.

> I got the full data (albeit for a show that you'd have to pay me to watch)
> and the assorted footer links at the end of the page:
>    SHOW TITLE: Fear Factor
>    EPISODE: Las Vegas Show
>    CATEGORY: Game
>    SYNOPSIS: Contestants must slide down the facade of the pyramid-shaped
>    Luxor Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas; the champion will bet half of his
>    or her winnings on one hand of blackjack.
>    CHANNEL: 7 [WHDH]
>    DATE / TIME: May 26: 8:30PM
>    LENGTH: 90 Minutes
>    NOTES: English
>    Other episodes of "Fear Factor"

none of this appears on my page.

>    null Black Voices   |   Link Us   |   Advertise   |   About Us   |
>    Feedback   |   Help   |   Jobs   |   Privacy Policy   |   ?2003
> Media Services

this does appear at the bottom.
> but under 2.8.3 and 2.8.4.rel1 (both running on Panix's machines)
> I hit an error in the middle of the show's listing
> and the page truncated at that point:
>    or her winnings on one hand of blackjack.
>    ADODB.Recordset
>    error '800a0bcd'
>    Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
>    Requested operation requires a current record.
>    /program.asp, line 425

this doesn't happen on my Mandrake 9.0 Linux system.

> while both 2.7 and 2.8 give me a blizzard of "HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved"
> and "Location URL is not absolute" and "Using http://..."; messages,
> just before displaying the damaged page 2.8 gave me
> an "Alert!: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error" message
> while 2.7, which displays the page properly, didn't.

i get the blizzard, but not the final message.

> Opera 6.0, on my home computer: displays the page properly.

Opera is very good, if you put up with the big ad in the corner.
> Internet Explorer 6.0, on my home computer:
> crashes before I even get that far (and freezes my system), yay Microsoft!

sounds normal (grin).

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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