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Re: lynx-dev Thinking of a Possible Javascript to html Converter

From: edmondrod
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Thinking of a Possible Javascript to html Converter
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:58:04 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks for clearing that up.  Multiple conversions could indeed render
the desired final outcome  and a one time conversion may make some
simple type links available on the page.   It sounds like a good start. 

Edmond Rodriguez

> From address@hidden  Thu Jun 28 13:39:16 2001
> *** address@hidden wrote in the Lynx list today:
> :) A source page converter would be missing user input.
> A converter is still necessary, there are two moments when
> you need conversion, one when displaying for the first time
> (for example to display the submit buttom of a form), or
> when activating a link or submitting a form (and other cases
> too if you know of any). A converter should be able to deal
> with both cases, and should only be activated when needed. I
> do completely support the idea of adding a converter, even
> if it can not deal with everything. Incomplete Javascript
> support is much better no Javascript support at all.
> -- 
> Eduardo
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