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lynx-dev Lynx 2.8.3 with MingW32 and arrows

From: Fiber McGee
Subject: lynx-dev Lynx 2.8.3 with MingW32 and arrows
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:06:26 -0600

The message below from Andreas Fehr
<address@hidden> was forwarded by one
of the list maintainers.

Sorry to interrupt you discussing on 2.8.4.x

I have a problem with compiling 2.8.3 with MingW32 and slang support.

In fact compiling works, but the lynx.exe is not usable. I can start it
and load some page with 'G)o' but I'm not able to navigate the page with
the arrow keys. I was not able to set them correct and navigating in vi
mode is not that fun (even vi recognizes my arrow keys :).

If I start lynx, I get to the page. If I use the
down arrow, I get to the 'Printing Options'. Pressing the uparrow, the
'Lynx Help Page' comes up and the left arrow shows me the 'Current Key
Map'. Not what I expected.

I found some message (by address@hidden) in the archive talking about
my problem:

>I compiled the MingW32 lynx.exe with pdcurses not long ago, but was
>unable to get the mouse to work.  libslang from
>provides mouse support and has a tricky initialization that has to
>be changed in the source code before its keyboard works with lynx.

But I couldn't find anything more specific about it. Does anybody knows
something about this problem and is able to help me?


Andreas Fehr

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