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Re: lynx-dev Tables (once again) and virtual lynx pages

From: T.E.Dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Tables (once again) and virtual lynx pages
Date: Sat, 13 May 100 09:56:11 -0400 (EDT)

> I am aware that my propsoal might require serious reworking of lynx's  
> rendering engine but then so wpould horiznotal scrolling. (in fact if one 
> just  
> set unlimited width in my propsoal then you wouild get the horizontal  
> scrolling option... however I do not think people wouild actually want to uae 
setting unlimited width (or actually out to the limit of the fixed line-length)
would not be a large amount of work.

(but using it would be a different matter ;-)

> Duncan (-: 

Thomas E. Dickey  <address@hidden>

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