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Re: lynx-dev lynx 2.8.2 pre 5 ftp problem

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx 2.8.2 pre 5 ftp problem
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:36:49 -0400 (EDT)

> I have built and installed 2.8.2 pre 5 on OpenVMS 6.2, using the socketshr 
> interface and the fix to the FTP propblem announced earlier works. However, 
> its 
> shown up another bug! 
> As you can see from the enclosed trace, the list of files in a directory 
> appears to be parsed correctly BUT there is NO file display at all on the 
> screen.. The only thing displayed is the initial welcome message from tvhe 
> server. 

I checked this one earlier today with Netscape (when I was testing
the pre.5 patch) - it also shows nothing in the fileserv directory.
So I decided lynx was correct...

> I checked this on the same version of lynx running on solaris 2.6 and the 
> same 
> thing occurs. 
> I'm open to suggestions as to where the problem might lie. 
> As an aside, the trace appears to also show some non-printing characters 
> generated by the trace code. This may indicate another bug.  I've flagged 
> some 
> of them with lines starting ***** below. 

thanks (that's my error - I added some traces to look for things, but
the pointer's incorrect).

Thomas E. Dickey

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