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Re: lynx-dev %s %t

From: Philip Webb
Subject: Re: lynx-dev %s %t
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 03:57:13 -0400 (EDT)

980825 Jason McBrayer wrote: 
> Philip Webb writes:
>> one would expect Lynx to look for different place-holders --
>>  %s = the temporary filename used by Lynx 
>>  %t = a filename of the user's choice  -- ,
> Lynx does not have its own handler for format strings
> it uses the ones built-in in C's standard library.
> So we have to stay with C's way of doing format strings.
> `%s' means `a string,' which one being determined by position
> in the format string and order of arguments. `%t' doesn't mean anything.
> It's not a minor fix.
thanx for this useful information, but it shouldn't be that complex.
at run-time, Lynx must insert into the format string  2  string variables,
eg (whatever)  tmpname  inputname , the latter having a default value.
currently, Lynx inserts them in that order, but it could insert them
in the opposite order if some Boolean global (eg)  ST_ORDER  were defined
depending on the order of  %s %t  in the corresponding line in  lynx.cfg .
that would make it straightforward for the ordinary user
(preserving current behaviour if  lynx.cfg  has  %s %s ),
while still using the built-in C format handler.

if would be helpful if someone could point me
to the relevant bit of Lynx source, but otherwise i'll explore for myself.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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