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RE: lynx-dev proxy env var

From: Nitin Gupta
Subject: RE: lynx-dev proxy env var
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 13:04:38 -0700

found the error I was making....
I was setting the env var using http_proxy="http://my.proxy.server:80"; but
without the trailing "/" after the :80..
once I set it as http_proxy="http://my.proxy.server:80/";, everything worked


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden Behalf Of
>>Al Gilman
>>Sent: Thursday, August 20, 1998 12:20 PM
>>To: address@hidden
>>Subject: Re: lynx-dev proxy env var
>>will Lynx take a proxy definition from an environment variable?
>>Yes.  See the INSTALLATION file in the distribution (e.g. in the
>>breakout at the development site).
>>This sorta leaves these questions:
>>Shell usage in the definition of the variable.  Did you really
>>get a value set for the variable?
>>spelling of the proxy's location: you need to put
>>"";, I think, and not just ""
>>because the port defaults given the http: scheme but the http:
>>scheme does not default just knowing that this is a proxy.
>>Timing of variable-setting by your "dynamic" script and
>>variable-reading by lynx.  I don't know if lynx reads the
>>variable once on startup, or when.
>>to follow up on what Nitin Gupta said:
>>> Does lynx take a env. var for the proxy server? in the lynx.cfg
>>file, I set
>>> the proxy server to my.proxy.server and all works fine, but
>>sometimes I need
>>> not to use the proxy server so I commented out the var from the
>>cfg file and
>>> tried setting the http_proxy env. var but it never works!
>>whenever I export
>>> http_proxy="my.proxy.server", lynx comes back saying that it
>>couldn't find
>>> the page. but the same server setting in the cfg file makes
>>everything work
>>> fine.
>>> I'm trying to set up a script which takes in user input and dynamically
>>> set's/unsets the lynx proxy var, is there a way to do this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Nitin

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