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Re: lynx-dev lynx: are you getting spam like this one?:

From: James Elkinton
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx: are you getting spam like this one?:
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:15:28 -0700

Heather Stern wrote:

> I also have a shell account on netcom -- they have elm available there.
> All their basic shell commands are very old and haven't been upgraded in
> a long time.  (ex: their lynx is from the stone ages -- 2.3.7 BETA)
> Ob lynx: if someone wants a historical copy of lynx 2.3.7 Beta for SunOS
>          you know where to get one.

<drool> :)

What about the 'depot' directory?  I thought I remembered them putting
least 2.7.1 in there before I left...

> As a generic recommendation, if NUGLOPS (netcom users group um er uhh
> something-r-other ... I love acronyms) has an updated binary in:

Netcom Users Group Listing Of Programs and Scripts, if I remember.  One
of the things I miss about Netcom.
>         /usr/local/nuglops/bin
> ...then by all means use it.  Add it to your path before the standard
> directories.  You will *not* be sorry.  (ex: the nuglops gang have
> lynx 2.7.2 -- much better!)

Jeez... I guess the old NUGLOPS crew is really gone as a whole, eh? 
I was there, new additions of popular programs like Lynx were done
a week of their release.  Not having a 2.8 rel3 in NUGLOPS is

> Also if it's your only account join the netnews group for nuglops (I
> don't recall it offhand, sorry, but its a netcom-local group). if I recall...

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