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Re: LYNX-DEV Need some help!

From: Lloyd G. Rasmussen
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Need some help!
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 98 13:16:35 EST

On 13 Jan 98 08:55:53 +0100, 
Mifsud Michael at MITTS  <address@hidden> wrote:

>I'm Michael Mifsud from Malta and I'm a network administrator. I'm currently 
>configuring the Lynx Dos Based web browser for a blind person working with our 
>I downloaded the software from the internet and ( and configured 
>the wattcp.cfg with the appropriate ip settings but the program is giving me 
>error message no packet driver found.

I'm not sure that Lynx/386 is going to work inside Windows 95.  You 
might try Lynx/32 instead.  The only problem with this is that there 
may be keyboard conflicts between Lynx and a screen reading program.  
But you should experiment first; several blind people are using 
Lynx/32, I think.  It's available from the same page
as you probably got Lynx/386.  

-- Lloyd Rasmussen
Senior Staff Engineer, Engineering Section
National Library Service for the  Blind and Physically Handicapped
Library of Congress          202-707-0535
(work)       address@hidden
(home) address@hidden      

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