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Re: LYNX-DEV How to change screen size??

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV How to change screen size??
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 15:59:44 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, John E. Davis wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Oct 1997 14:39:43 -0500 (EST), "T.E.Dickey" <address@hidden> said:
> >I built both the slang and curses versions, patched the curses version
> >(temporarily - since there's no call on size_change to start things) 
> >to see if I wanted to get into the resize code, tested & found
> >that neither would repaint the screen properly -- on the next keypress, or
> >whatever, since there would be lines on the screen that weren't updated.
> Then something has happened since 2.7.1ac-0.24 that broke it.  I am
> still using 2.7.1ac-0.24 and I always get the screen to properly
> redraw itself on the next keypress.

Maybe you should define (and Tom too) what you mean by "properly redraw".
What I see:  
I am using text screen, but simulate a size change with something like
"stty cols 50 </dev/pts/3 >/dev/pts/3 2>&1" from a different login session
to simulate a size change, where /dev/pts/3 is the terminal device of
the login session where lynx runs, on solaris.

- There is no immediate change before a key is pressed
- On the next keypress the change is detected, and adjustment is made:
  - The title string on the first screen line moves appropriately
  - If I fake a smaller line size N, lines are cut off.
- This is both with slang and with ncurses+color-style binaries of recent
  code.  The only difference between the two:
  - If a fake a smaller line size N, then press a key (not reload), then
    make the size larger again M (> N), then again press a key (not
    - The slang version restores the tails of lines which were previously
      cut off.
    - The ncurses version doesn't, it tries to write the longer lines but
      wraps them at (or before) the previously set size N.  This is cured
      by a ^L.
- In no case is the text fully reloaded and re-rendered, which would be
  necessary to fully adapt the displayed text to the new size.  That is
  what the LYMainLoop.c part of Alex's patch is about, AFAIK there is no
  provision to do that now, and I would be surprised if it was in

I haven't checked faking different number of rows rather than cols this


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