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Re: LYNX-DEV How to change screen size??

From: T.E.Dickey
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV How to change screen size??
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 13:02:12 -0500 (EST)

> I want to change the screen size from the normal 80x24 to 20x16 (or 
> something else).  The size appears to be controlled by the LYCols and 
> LYline variables -- but I've having trouble figuring out where to set 
> them to get a new size.
They should be derived from the curses (or whatever) screen size.
Lynx can pick up the screen size from a SIGWINCH if it's properly
configured (I was looking at this last week), but it's not designed
to resize on-the-fly (in fact, the endwin/refresh path for resizing
isn't properly supported in Lynx, either -- so I gather that the
whole screen sizing code was added as an afterthought).
> Is the screen dimension hard-coded or are there some screen definition 
> parameters that control this?   I see that there are many places where 
> LYCols is set to 80, so I'm starting to wonder.
it really shouldn't be "many places".
> -- Jeff Groves

Thomas E. Dickey
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