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LYNX-DEV Correction to WWW/Implementation/Library/HTTCP.c for cygwin32

From: Victor Schneider
Subject: LYNX-DEV Correction to WWW/Implementation/Library/HTTCP.c for cygwin32
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 00:01:48 GMT

This is the bug that stops other than Linux/usleep versions of
lynx from connecting to hosts properly.  With this correction,
the cygwin32 version of the most recent releases connects robustly
to remote hosts without the need of  a gethostbyname loop.

In WWW/Library/Implementation/HTTCP.c :

Line 840:

            if (tries++ >= 180000) {
                HTAlert("Connection failed for 180,000 tries.");
                return HT_NO_DATA;

-           timeout.tv_sec = 0;
+           timeout.tv_sec = 10;
            timeout.tv_usec = 100000;
            FD_SET(*s, &writefds);

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