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LYNX-DEV personal config files, what am I missing

From: Jim Barbour
Subject: LYNX-DEV personal config files, what am I missing
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 97 20:01:42 PDT


I would like for me users to be able to define some things about lynx
individually that are currently defined only in one global config

Is there a frame work that I'm not aware of to -- for example -- allow
individual users to setup their own key bindings?


| Jim Barbour                ^^^^^/^^^^^^                Qualcomm Inc.        |
| UNIX S/W Engineer              /   -                                        |
|                               /        ____________    Jim Barbour          |
| address@hidden   /    /   /    /     /     /    6455 Lusk Blvd.      |
| Voice:(619) 651-2616   /    /   /    /     /     /     Room Q-313N          |
| FAX:  (619) 651-1786  /____/   /    /     /     /      San Diego, Ca. 92121 |
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