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LYNX-DEV Compiling problems with lynx2.6

From: Sara Bradley
Subject: LYNX-DEV Compiling problems with lynx2.6
Date: 13 Feb 97 20:08:03 GMT

    I am attempting to install lynx 2.6.  When I try to compile to 
create my exec file, I get the following error:

    cc: Error:  LYCurses.c, line 381:  In the statement, "ttytype" is 
not declared.  if (strncmp((CONST char*) ttytype, "dev-vt", 6) ==0)

    I am on a Unix machine and keying "make generic".
I am not a Unix expert, and recently inherited the job as system 
admin for this machine!  I am learning as I go, so any help would be 
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