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Re: LYNX-DEV Bad HTML at, please help

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Bad HTML at, please help
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 14:49:47 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 24 Nov 1996, Michael Lang wrote:

> I go to this address, select the first link and then enter DHV at the
> Verlag text entry field. Then, I select suchen (German for search). I
> get lynx's bad HTML message. Could someone of you take a look at this?

I did.

Whatever it is that is returned as a result of such a search, its isn't
what it claims to be:

   <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN" "html.dtd">

Well, at least the "Kinder, Gentler Validator" doesn't think so, and
didn't react too gently..

(As a side note, I agree with Larry Virden about the annoyance factor
of those invalid entity-looking parameters in search URLs.  
I wonder what those people will do if one day some new entities,
like e.g. &ii; are introduced into HTML.)

> DHV is a publishing house and buchkatalog is a database of books. I'd
> like to look in the database for books from DHV. I get a result, but I
> think because of the bad HTML, I don't get everything.

I think you see everything alright.  But the page (what is returned by a 
search) contains a <form> with stuff that is invalid in a form,
effectively ending the form prematurely (as part of Lynx's error

You just cannot submit the form, as a result your "Warenkorb" (shopping
basket) stays empty, as a result the Verlag loses you as a Kunde -
there is justice, after all...


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