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LYNX-DEV executable file with Lynx (DEC-ALPHA)

From: chris
Subject: LYNX-DEV executable file with Lynx (DEC-ALPHA)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 96 10:21:04 +1200

I have just upgraded to Lynx 2.6 on a DEC ALPHA. Lynx runs fine and can 
reach any .html files, but it does not run executable files. Using the 
old Lynx, the path to the executable was 
"file://localhost/dkb100:[opacutl]".It works fine under 2.3. 
Using the new Lynx, when I select this link, it finds it, but puts on the 
screeen "" and does not execute it. Is there a difference 
in the way Lynx 2.6 handles executables? Do I need to change the path, or 
is there something else?

Chris Adams
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