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LYNX-DEV crashes from within screen

From: Mike Teague
Subject: LYNX-DEV crashes from within screen
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 10:27:14 -0800 (PST)

glock:~# lynx -version

Lynx Version 2.6
(c)GNU General Public License

              Options Menu (Lynx Version 2.6)

     E)ditor                      : pico
     D)ISPLAY variable            : NONE
     B)ookmark file               : lynx_bookmarks.html
     F)TP sort criteria           : By Filename
     P)ersonal mail address       : address@hidden
     S)earching type              : CASE INSENSITIVE
     display (C)haracter set      : ISO Latin 1
     Raw 8-bit or CJK m(O)de      : ON
     preferred document lan(G)uage: en
     preferred document c(H)arset : NONE
     V)I keys                     : OFF
     e(M)acs keys                 : OFF
     K)eypad mode                 : Numbers act as arrows
     li(N)e edit style            : Default Binding
     l(I)st directory style       : Mixed style
     sho(W) dot files             : OFF
     U)ser mode                   : Advanced
     user (A)gent                 : Lynx/2.6  libwww-FM/2.14

glock:~# uname -a
Linux glock 1.2.13 #4 Thu May 9 17:14:33 PDT 1996 i486

I run screen sometimes, and just noticed that lynx apparently does not 
like it... From within screen, lynx will load, the homepage (a local 
file) will load, and it will crash:

A Fatal error has occurred in Lynx Ver. 2.6

Please notify your system administrator to confirm a bug, and
if confirmed, to notify the lynx-dev list.  Bug reports should
have concise descriptions of the command and/or URL which causes
the problem, the operating system name with version number, the
TCPIP implementation, and any other relevant information.

Do NOT mail the core file if one was generated.

Lynx now exiting with signal:  11

Works fine from a "regular" prompt...

Mike Teague - address@hidden -
    AKA Yngve on #guns, THE channel for firearms enthusiasts!
      A gun toting, Linux using, Libertarian Postal Worker
                     "I am not disgruntled"

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